Qi Ying(應琦)

Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Division of Environment and Sustainability

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Email: qying@ust.hk

  • Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, 2004. University of California, Davis
  • B.S. Environmental Engineering, 2000. Tsinghua University

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of the world’s population is breathing contami-nated air, and 4.2 million people worldwide die prematurely every year due to ambient air pollution. Air pollution also causes reduced crop yields by 5-12% globally, with an estimated economic loss of up to 20 billion dollars per year. My research focuses on developing and applying science-based data-driven modeling tools to elucidate the impacts of emissions from human activities on air quality so that local and state governments can make informed regulatory decisions to reduce air pollution and protect human health. My current research focuses on the following three areas:

  1. mechanistic modeling of air pollution in urban and regional scales with a particular focus on source apportionment
  2. multiscale modeling of criteria and toxic air pollutants for exposure assessment in epidemiology studies
  3. modeling secondary organic aerosol and their chemical constituents in chemical transport models

In my spare time (don’t have much recently), I play table tennis and chess. I also like to play with single chip computers. Recently, I have been working on an Apple II+ emulator which runs on the Arduino DUE. You can see a demonstration of the emulator on YouTube here. I also collect vintage computers. Some of my computer collections can be found here (coming soon).


Dec 03, 2024 Dr. Choi published his paper on “Modeling the Impacts of Open Biomass Burning on Regional O3 and PM2.5 in Southeast Asia Considering Light Absorption and Photochemical Bleaching of Brown Carbon” in Atmospheric Environment
Nov 01, 2024 Dr. Choi published his paper on “Long-Range Transport of Secondary Inorganic Aerosol from China to South Korea” in Environmental Science & Technology Letters
Oct 22, 2024 Alan and Heewon attended the 2024 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SWRM) meeting and gave oral presentations.
May 15, 2024 Dr. Choi published his paper on “From Home and Abroad─Atmospheric Age-Resolved Modeling Reveals the Origin and Evolution of Photochemical Ozone in South Korea” in ES&T Air :sparkles: :smile:

selected publications

  1. Study of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Chlorine Radical-Initiated Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Polluted Atmosphere Using a 3D Chemical Transport Model
    Min Su Choi, Xionghui Qiu, Jie Zhang, and 5 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2020
  2. Long-Range Transport of Secondary Inorganic Aerosol from China to South Korea
    Minsu Choi, Jinsoo Park, Minyoung Sung, and 1 more author
    Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2024
  3. Modeling biogenic and anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol in China
    Jianlin Hu, Peng Wang, Qi Ying, and 8 more authors
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017
  4. Premature mortality attributable to particulate matter in China: source contributions and responses to reductions
    Jianlin Hu, Lin Huang, Mindong Chen, and 5 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2017
  5. On the Relevancy of Observed Ozone Increase during COVID-19 Lockdown to Summertime Ozone and PM2. 5 Control Policies in China
    Mingjie Kang, Jie Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, and 1 more author
    Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2021
  6. Estimation of VOC emission factors from flux measurements using a receptor model and footprint analysis
    Sri Harsha Kota, Changhyoun Park, Martin C Hale, and 3 more authors
    Atmospheric Environment, 2014
  7. Modeling regional secondary organic aerosol using the Master Chemical Mechanism
    Jingyi Li, Meredith Cleveland, Luke D Ziemba, and 4 more authors
    Atmospheric Environment, 2015
  8. Source apportionment of PM 2.5 for 25 Chinese provincial capitals and municipalities using a source-oriented Community Multiscale Air Quality model
    Xue Qiao, Qi Ying, Xinghua Li, and 4 more authors
    Science of The Total Environment, 2018
  9. Spatial-temporal variations and source contributions to forest ozone exposure in China
    Xue Qiao, Peng Wang, Jie Zhang, and 4 more authors
    Science of The Total Environment, 2019
  10. Importance of wintertime anthropogenic glyoxal and methylglyoxal emissions in Beijing and implications for the secondary organic aerosol formation in megacity
    Xionghui Qiu, Shuxiao Wang, Qi Ying, and 8 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2020
  11. Contributions of local emissions and regional background to summertime ozone in central China
    Fangcheng Su, Qixiang Xu, Shasha Yin, and 6 more authors
    Journal of Environmental Management, 2023
  12. Attribution of Tropospheric Ozone to NO x and VOC Emissions: Considering Ozone Formation in the Transition Regime
    Peng Wang, Yuan Chen, Jianlin Hu, and 2 more authors
    Environmental science & technology, 2018
  13. Significant Contributions of Isoprene to Summertime Secondary Organic Aerosol in Eastern United States
    Qi Ying, Jingyi Li, and Sri Harsha Kota
    Environmental Science and Technology, 2015
  14. Atmospheric Age Distribution of Primary and Secondary Inorganic Aerosols in a Polluted Atmosphere
    Qi Ying, Jie Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, and 2 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2021
  15. Source apportionment of PM 2.5 nitrate and sulfate in China using a source-oriented chemical transport model
    Hongliang Zhang, Jingyi Li, Qi Ying, and 5 more authors
    Atmospheric environment, 2012
  16. Modeling Secondary Organic Aerosol Tracers and Tracer-to-SOA Ratios for Monoterpenes and Sesquiterpenes Using a Chemical Transport Model
    Jie Zhang, Xiao He, Xiang Ding, and 2 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2022
  17. New formation and fate of Isoprene SOA markers revealed by field data-constrained modeling
    Jie Zhang, Junyi Liu, Xiang Ding, and 8 more authors
    npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2023